The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video games have been produced since 1989, mostly by Japanese video game maker Konami. The older TMNT games are mostly based on the 1987 TV series, with elements obtained from the movies, the Teen Mutant Ninja Turtles Experiences, action numbers as well as the Mirage comics and also role-playing publications; the more recent TMNT games are based on the 2003 TELEVISION collection, the 2007 movie, the 2012 TV series, the 2014 movie, the 2018 TELEVISION collection as well as IDW comics. As of 1993, the initial eleven TMNT computer game had sold 18 million units worldwide, gaining virtually $450 million in sales profits.
While Netflix s first steps in the video game borrowed a quite shy shape, the game is already tumbling. Night School Studio, the studio known for its Narrative Oxenfree and Afterparty games, has agreed to join Netflix.
Night school wants to develop its narrative and conceptual aspirations through original and distinctive games. Netflix offers filmmakers, television series, and now video games, an unprecedented space to create and disseminate excellent entertainment to millions of people. Our research in the field of narrative gameplay and the capacity of Netflix to support various storytelters have combined in a natural way. It is as if both teams have arrived instinctively at this conclusion.
Bean sure is a surreal honor to be the first game studio to join Netflix! Not only can we continue to do what we do, as we like to do, but we are in the first lodges of the world s largest entertainment platform. The Netflix team has shown the utmost care to protect the culture of our studio and our creative vision , can we read in the communiqué of co-founder and creative director Sean Krankel, which confirms in passing that nothing should change about OXENFREE 2: LOST Signals , expected this year on PS5, PS4, SWITCH and PC.
As our series and movies, these games will be part of the Netflix subscription, without advertising or integrated purchases.
Mike Verdu, Vice President Video Game Development at Netflix
If this acquisition does not necessarily mean that Netflix will move immediately in a frantic race to studio shopping, it should nevertheless change the perception of the business concerning the place it wants to give to the video game. So far, Netflix has been content to integrate a handful of mobile games into its subscription (including Stranger Things: 1984 and Stranger Things 3: The Game ) and this in the test phase in Some countries (Poland, Italy, Spain). A discreet entry for the group that hired the veteran Mike Verdu (especially by Electronic Arts and Oculus) to direct and develop his video game business.
We will continue to work with developers from around the world and to recruit the largest talent in the sector to develop an exclusive collection of players for players of all types and levels, said Netflix communiqué , suggesting that the intention is to bring together a family of studios and building an exclusive catalog of games, which questioned the possibility of seeing the future Night School Studio Games out on other platforms, beyond Oxenfree 2: LOST Signals . On the other hand, we imagine that the studio will be able to realize without much harm its ambitions concerning the adaptation of Oxenfree in television series.
OXENFREE 2: LOST Signals - Trailer
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